CINERGI Resources from Workshops
1: select categories to show the items you want
2: expand other variables and make additional selections
3: this is how many items are displayed
4: click an item to see its description on the right
5: zoom in to items
6: select a variable to organize items in a bar graph
7: grid view of items
8: bar graph view of items (use this together with 1 and 2 to explore distribution of items in different subsets)
9: bivariate graph view (also try other icons)
10: setting: specify which variables to display
Questions about the app:
About This App

This app was designed and developed by Spatial Information System Lab at San Diego Supercomputer Center for the NSF Earthcube Community Inventory of EarthCube Resources for Geosciences Interoperability project.

This is a list of resources collected during the EarthCube end-user workshops

Questions about the content of the catalog: Instructions for updating the catalog:

Funding under the NSF EarthCube program is gratefully acknowledged: CINERGI: NSF ICER-1343816